A Founders Guide to 2024: What Will Keep You Going?

Founder's journey

365 Days, 365 Chances, 365 Opportunities

In 2024, you don’t have 365 fresh days. Instead, you have 365 chances and 365 opportunities. And you will be able to make the most of it only if you take care of your mental and emotional health. Why? Because if you don’t feel right, the founder in you wouldn’t feel right, too. And that’s going to leave a lasting impact on your brand. 

The essence of being an entrepreneur lies not

 only in creating products or services but in fostering a mindset that will keep you going. Simply put, it extends beyond business strategies and revenue goals. It involves investing in yourself because, beneath all the roles you play and the titles you own, there’s YOU – a human.

Founder Motivation

The Myth of Overnight Success in Entrepreneurship

It takes 3 to 4 years for a startup to become profitable, on average. And mind you, ‘profitable’ does not always translate to ‘successful.’ 

The narratives of overnight success in entrepreneurship paint a picture of entrepreneurs who skyrocket from obscurity to fame and fortune almost magically. However, the reality of building a successful venture is far from this illusion of rapid success. It takes years to find your footing, and that’s NORMAL. 

You need to give yourself and your business the initial years to be able to refine every aspect – customer acquisition, client retention, team management, logistics, branding, and more. All of this demands a lot of change and adjustments to get right, and that takes time. 

The question is: What will keep you going for those 1-3 years and beyond? 

  • Patience 
  • Consistency 
  • Discipline

Founder planting a seed and growing it into a tree

Slow and Steady Wins the Race!

Remember the story, ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’? It applies to entrepreneurship as well. Think of both the characters as entrepreneurial personalities. 

The hare’s eyes are solely fixed on the finish line. It is driven by the desire to conquer the market and an insatiable thirst for success. And then there’s tortoise, steady and methodological. While the hare sprints ahead, the tortoise steadily plods along, laying a strong foundation for his business, step by step. 

Now, at outset, the hare does have an early lead. But in the attempt to reach the finish line, he frequently changes his direction. And then there are potholes – challenges. Each time the hare faces a challenge, it needs to stop, rethink, and often backtrack. All this interrupts his progress. 

Meanwhile the tortoise walks slowly, learning from the hare’s mistakes and staying true to its business goals. The tortoise has adapted changes patiently, steadily growing. As the journey unfolds, the hare’s frequent changes in direction starts to take a toll while the tortoise with its consistent effort, gradually gains ground.

What does it mean? While the Hare’s obsession with the finish line caused it to lose sight of the journey and succumb to the pitfalls along the way, the Tortoise’s focus on the process, adaptability, and perseverance allowed it to win.

After all, don’t we know that slow and steady wins the race?

Here’s What Will Help!


The ability to bounce back is really important for founders. Success is not without its fair share of challenges and failures, and showing resilience in these times will help you come back stronger. 


Success takes time, and embracing patience allows for better decision-making, strategic planning, and the ability to weather storms without losing focus. 


 “…. if you broke down everything you could think of that goes into riding a bike and then improve it by 1 percent, you will get a significant increase when you put them all together.” ~ Dave Brailsford

The idea is to commit to consistent minor improvements every day. Do your best to get 1% better every day. When you look back, you will realize that 1% of everyday compounds. That’s the power of tiny gains.

Growth Mindset

A growth mindset believes that one’s abilities can be developed and improved over time through dedication, effort, and learning from experiences. Simply put, it is the belief that your abilities are not written in stone. And what’s better than a strong self-belief that you can develop what you don’t have and improve what you have? Nothing! 

Two founders with different mindsets

Improving Your Mental Wellbeing

The phrase, “Where the mind goes, the body follows,” is indeed true. Which means it’s important to improve your mental wellbeing. Here are some suggestions we have for you – 

  • Unplugging every day: Dedicate specific time slots daily to disconnect from technology and engage in activities like reading, walking in nature, or spending quality time with loved ones. 
  • Notice what’s in your mind and your heart: Take time to check in with yourself regularly. Observe your thoughts without judgment, and accept your emotions. And one of the best ways to do so? Journaling. Being aware of your mental and emotional state helps to understand your triggers, manage stress, and maintain a balance.
  • Rewire your thoughts: Challenge your irrational beliefs and replace negative self-talk with affirmations. Replace “I can’t” with “I can try” and remove all unnecessary ‘musts’ and ‘shoulds.’
  • Go off the grid: Occasionally disconnect entirely from the demands of work. Taking a day or weekend to go off the grid—no emails, no work-related discussions—allows you to recharge, gain perspective, and return to your work with renewed energy and clarity.

See You Soon!

As we step into 2024, it’s important you remember that each day brings not just an opportunity but also a chance to nurture your mental and emotional well-being. 

Your success as a founder isn’t solely dependent on business strategies and revenue goals; it’s about investing in yourself as a person behind the brand. So as the calendar resets, accept and acknowledge your humanity amidst your entrepreneurial pursuits.

So cheers to you — facing challenges head on, staying consistent, and fostering a mindset that ensures personal fulfillment. 

Happy 2024!

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